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You're in control

Glute Challenge

We’ve put together a great little challenge that’ll help improve your fitness whilst getting stronger glutes and legs!  All you’ll need is an Air Bike, a Glute Band and a timer! 

It’s easy to get into no matter what your fitness level: You’re In Control.  For this challenge you must complete 2 exercises every minute on the minute (EMOM), the faster you complete the exercises the more rest you get, until the exercises start again on the next minute.  The sting in the tail is that the reps on one of the exercises increases every minute!  The 2 exercises are Air Bike and Banded Squats.

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Glute Challenge

You keep your Air Bike calories the same every minute – 6 calories.  Banded Squats start at 6 reps on your first minute, however, every minute you add an extra banded squat.  Here’s your example:

  1. 1st minute – 6 calorie air bike, 6 banded squats – rest for the remainder of the minute.
  2. 2nd minute – 6 calorie air bike, 7 banded squats – rest for the remainder of the minute.
  3. 3rd minute – 6 calorie air bike, 8 banded squats – rest for the remainder of the minute.

And so on until you just can’t complete the next minute.

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How to get involved

Your score is the minute of exercise you achieve. So, if I complete the third minute my score is 3.  In another example, if I fail to complete the 7th minute my score is 6 (I completed the 6th minute).

We recommend trying this challenge once a week to reap the benefits of all your hard work and see your score improve.  

Let us know how you get on and share your sweaty selfie with us! #YoureInControl

1. Your Level
2. Your Details
3. Your Results

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