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Workout (Just The Way You Like)

Customised workout plans are a fantastic addition to any training program, whether you use them exclusively or to complement your classes and / or personal training sessions.

There are so many factors that can go into under or overtraining.  They provide structure, there’s nothing worse than feeling like you are wasting time. If you are a person that loves to be able to “check” something off, you will naturally gravitate to a structured workout plan!


FFX On Demand

Within the workout tab of your FFX App. You’ll be able to view a huge selection of pre-determined training plans designed by us for you across 5 different goal categories  If you love to track data this will be the best solution for you.

You’ll also be able to support smooth training planning by adding your own designed workouts or workouts you’ve seen elsewhere that work for you. Entry of your workout data couldn’t be anymore simple in or out of the club – automatically through your wearable device, xcapture feature or manually.



If you prefer your workouts visually rather than in a plan format you should head straight to our FFX On Demand ‘Workout’ section.  Here you’ll find a huge variety of workouts across the same 5 categories.

You’ll see the session plan, duration, reps and sets with a guide to weight ranges too, all with your favourite instructors.  Seeing the exercises in full swing helps you learn and understand the movement patterns, we’ll also highlight the key technique pointers along the way.

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